Els alumnes d’ESO de l’escola Jesús Salvador han assistit al Teatre
Sant Vicenç a l’obra “Lucki Day” en anglès. Aquesta activitat entra dins del
projecte de l’escola de refermar l’ús de les llengües estrangeres. Perquè
practiqueu una mica us deixem la sinopsi:
Bob, Andy’s brother, is terribly
superstitious. After a call from Kate, whom they both like, they are invited to
a party she is having that very day. Bob is keen to go and decides to check his
horoscope in the newspaper. It is not good news, as it says he is going to have
the unluckiest day ever. In order to get rid of his bad luck, he goes to the
Phytoness Peppy show with his sceptic but faithful brother. After the show Andy
and Bob go to Kate’s party where they finally discover whether their luck is good
or bad.
En els propers dies podreu veure les fotografies a la plataforma. Podeu
clicar a aquest enllaç http://www.col-jesus-salvador.net/
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